Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Lazy Sunday Selecta

It's everything I am and what I love in a mixtape: funk, groove, soul.

Rizzle Kicks Mix

I've been a bit obsessed with this duo from Brighton for quite some time now. I first listened to Mama Do The Hump a few months back and I was hooked ever since. Their music is a mix of pop and hip hop, both genres which I love.

So anyway! Here's my RK playlist!

1. Down With The Trumpets
2. Miss Cigarette
3. The Walk
4. Call It What You Want Remix
5. Learn My Lesson
6. Even On A Rainy Day
7. Price Tag Remix
8. Couch
9. Dreamers

Plus, I have developed a liking for Jordan Stephens (left in the photo). Here's a few of his solo tracks. All of which are raps.

1. Nasty (Nas Remix)
2. I'm 17
3. Rizzle Freestyle
4. Feel Good Inc. (Gorillaz Remix)
5. Those Days (M.I.A. Remix)

& of course I have to include their incredibly adorable/dorky/funny Blackberry Live and Lost episodes!

Live and Lost Day 1
Live and Lost Day 2
Live and Lost Day 3
Live and Lost Day 4
Live and Lost Day 5

Jordan is 20. So... Hi, future husband.

Friday, May 11, 2012

John & Yoko

From Tumblr

Interviewer: Why can’t you be alone without Yoko?
John Lennon: But I can be alone without Yoko, but I just have no wish to be. There’s no reason on earth why I should be alone without Yoko. There’s nothing more important than our relationship, nothing. And we dig being together all the time. Both of us could survive apart but what for? I’m not going to sacrifice love, real love for any whore or any friend or any business, because in the end you’re alone at night and neither of us want to be. and you can’t fill a bed with groupies. It doesn’t work. I don’t want to be a swinger. I’ve been through it all and nothing works better than to have someone you love hold you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

G Mix

In another alternate reality, I'm a gangster.. Lol. Here's my G playlist!

1. Juicy - Notorious B.I.G.
2. Notorious Thugs - Notorious B.I.G. Feat. Bone Thugs N Harmony
3. Nuthin But A G Thang - Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre
4. Crossroads - Bone Thugs N Harmony
5. Get Money - Junior M.A.F.I.A. Feat. Biggie Smalls
6. C.R.E.A.M. - Wu Tang Clan
7. It Ain't No Fun (If The Homies Can't Have None) - Snoop Dogg
8. California Love - 2Pac
9. Gangster's Paradise - Coolio
10. Westside - T.Q.
11. Changes - 2Pac
12. Next Episode - Dr. Dre Feat. Snoop Dogg
13. How We Do (Remix) - Eazy E
14. Big Poppa - Notorious B.I.G.
15. Hold Up - Nelly Feat. T.I. & LL Cool J
16. 99 Problems - Jay Z
17. No Diggity - Blackstreet
18. Nasty - Nas

So yah ok bye.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Today's useless buys

The family went out today to supposedly just run a few errands. While waiting for them to finish up, me and my brother went to Booksale to look around. While looking around I spotted these cute little box kits of random stuff. I love small kits so I was really excited seeing these. They were also cheap, too! I might have to check Booksale once in awhile to see if they have some other box kit varieties.

Kit includes:
an inflatable zombie
a book about zombies

Stick It to Your Ex: Voodoo Kit

Kit includes:
a voodoo doll (double sided: male / female)
a few pins
a spellbook

Office Voodoo Kit
Kit includes: 
a voodoo doll (double sided: male / female)
a few pins
a spellbook
Stewie's World Domination Kit
Kit includes:
a rubbery Stewie toy
a book about Stewie's world domination plans

I was also supposed to buy the following but they were out of stock in Town...

1. Lush lip tint "It Started With A Kiss"

2. "Night" by Elie Wiesel

and here's an extra one. I saw this book today

but I didn't buy it since I wanted to read some online reviews first before purchasing. It was a bit pricey. So, yeah, I'm googling about the book now.

I feel really bad that I wasn't able to buy the Lush lip tint. Sigh.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Extremely hot man eating a peppermint pattie

Straight to the point title because oh dear lord this is just too much for my brain/body/soul to handle. How in the world can I get some of that? 

The man, not the pattie. Ladies, I hope your panties are still intact.


Photo Dump: Boracay 2012

I used the DMD app for these panoramic pictures.

These were taken during our last day. I suck because I didn't take much photos while I was there. But can I just say... (Warning: rant ahead)

A Trip Down Memory Lane: Scent Edition

I find it the most amazing thing how a scent can induce memories from long ago. In highschool, I've made it a point to change my perfume/mist every school year and when I went to college, I changed it every term. It's amazing how many images flashback whenever I smell these scents. These are just a few of the perfumes/mists I've used so far. I didn't bother to take a picture of the others because 1. these are the scents that bring about some of the best memories I've had so far and 2. I am a (very) lazy chicken nugget.

I apologize for the quality of these photos because I don't have a decent camera with me now and I just can't be bothered to get the chunky dSLR out of the cabinet so my iTouch's camera should do.

Bath & Body Works' Sea Island Cotton
  • This takes me back to my Senior year in highschool. This was actually a gift from a relative in the U.S. and it has been with me for so long (since 2008?) as you can see it's pretty much beaten up already. It looks so gross and yellow and just all kinds of yuck which is a complete contrast of how it smells. It smells so clean like new bedsheets. Yup, that's the smell I'm going to compare it to.


  • I don't even know what name this specific perfume has. It's a little one which was another gift from a family friend when we stayed with them in the U.S. I got this in 2011 and I don't use it that much anymore. This smell takes me back to our U.S. vacation going on road trips all around the East. It also reminds me of a... date. with. an.. ex. Hokay personal stuff already but.. yeah. Bye.

The Body Shop White Musk Chiffon Sheer

  • One of my favorite scents ever. I cannot describe the smell but it's just one of the best. Ever. Anyway, this takes me back to my 3rd year - 1st term days. When I smell this it immediately reminds me of my Calculus subject. I have 3 subjects straight during my Tuesday-Thursday schedule so I don't have time for lunch. I try to sneak in a little meal during my 10 minute break before my Calculus class. Most of the time I buy something from our canteen and it reeks there so whenever I leave I smell like food so I spray shit tons of this on me before I attend my Calculus class. So... that's what it reminds me of. It also reminds me of someone. Heh.

Dove Go Fresh Revive

  •  If you can see it says body mist that's why I abused the hell out of it. I'm almost done with this bottle so I stopped using it. This takes me to my 3rd year - 2nd term days. That was when I had night classes and I stayed in school till 9pm! This was also my crazy/wild (not really)/patapon term when I was just a really really lazy student. My classes start late in the afternoon til night so my schedule made me really lazy and I didn't take some of my classes seriously. I was always hanging out with friends, cutting classes for nothing and not reviewing for exams so I ended up almost failing 2 (!!!!!!!!) subjects. That was an eye/mind/body/SOUL-opener for me. That was one of the most fun/worst terms I've had. Fun since, of course, I was able to hang with my friends a lot doing crazy stupid things and worst because I almost failed. Duh. I learned my lesson.

I would like to apologize again for the quality. It is so bad, I know. But since this is not really a serious blog I don't feel the need to amp up the quality of the photos until I find a decent camera to use.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Swede dreams at 2AM

In an alternate universe I am Swedish and would be dancing merrily to this song all day.

Of Cheese and Corn

I am a very bored person. Nothing has happened today and I doubt anything fun would happen tomorrow, either. So, here I am updating this blog as much as I can now because once school starts I wouldn't be able to post as often anymore. (Although I don't post much as it is)

Enough with the blab and on to the real purpose of this random and nonsense update. I've been into lovey-dovey songs since.. 5 minutes ago and even though I don't have any reason to (read: a boyfriend) listen to this songs and secretly daydream about dates and all that, this kind of music undeniably lifts up my mood and somehow gives me hope of someday finding someone and finding a reason to further appreciate these songs. CHEESE AND CORN OK I AM STOPPING.

Anyway! I now present to you... *drumroll*

What a predictable title

1. Sweet Darling - She & Him
2. Gotta Have You - The Weepies
3. Be My Honeypie - The Weepies*
4. You Are The Best Thing - Ray LaMontagne
5. Best Days - Matt White
6. Baby I'm Yours - Arctic Monkeys
7. Someone Like You - Matt Wertz
8. White Dress - Ben Rector
9. I Was Made For Sunny Days - The Weepies
10. I'd Rather Be With You - Joshua Radin
11. Each Day Gets Better - John Legend
12. The Quiz - Hello Saferide
13. I'll Be Yours - Those Dancing Days
14. You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone - Lulu & The Lampshades
15. The Gladdest Thing - Deb Talan
16. Come On Petunia - The Blow

...and of course this playlist must end with a song from the Fab Four

17. All My Loving - The Beatles

*Please click the link and watch the video. It is achingly adorable :-)

It bothers me that I am not standardizing the number of songs I put in my playlists and that they are not in either multiples of 5 or 10.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dog days

Okay another random post ahead. I tend to forget random realizations and ideas so from now on I shall put those here for future reference.

I have always, for the loooongest time, wanted a dog. They are so cute and I've always imagined the dog to be my best friend. Like a serious best friend. As in I would imagine talking to my baby dog about my problems, sorrows, miseries, heartaches and it would just cuddle up to me and non-verbally tell me that everything would be fine, etc., etc. Uhm, sometimes my imagination gets the best of me.

But anyway here are a few dogs which I'd like to own but might not get any time soon because I'm living with my parents and I'm still in school and I might not have time yet to take reaaaally good care of it and I know my parents won't allow me to own one if I'm just going to let the maids take care of it yadda yadda bla bla bla...

As I have said, I'm putting this here for future reference just incase I forget what breed of baby dog I'd like to own in the future. Heeeeee

1. Teacup Pomeranian

Aren't they just the cutest little babies!!!! I cannot handle them they look so adorable and bear-ish and I just wanna pinch them!!!!

2. Pug

A far cry from the cute-sy, fluffy baby furball that is a teacup pom but they are still adorable. It wasn't love at first sight but as time went on, I have grown to like them.

The first dog that I wanted to have was a Chow Chow but with the Philippine weather, I just think it'll be hard for them since they have such thick fur. Maybe in the future, when I reside in a place of cooler climate. (Like Holland or England, yes?)

3. Welsh Corgi a.k.a. future baby

No need to ask why I need this dog in my life.

4. English Bulldog

Now, here I post some ideas about dog names. Here's a few:

  • Barbecue
I know this is such a weird name but ever since I found out that someone named her dog "Liempo" (Grilled pork belly), I wanted to give my dog a novelty name. Besides, I can call him BBQ / BB ko (my baby) *sparkles*

  • Otto
This name just came up to me today. Although I may have a bit of a hard time when calling my dog since I have to choose in which accent I'd use. So, I may call him "Otto" with a thick Filipino accent or "Orroe" with a very maarte accent.

Okay those are just a few I may have forgotten the other names I'll just edit this in the future. This post just made me even more excited about getting a dog, sometime in the future.

  • Pippin

A character from LOTR. I'm not a huge fan of the book nor the franchise but the name is just so catchy and cute! "Come here, Pippin!!!!" Ugh. Lovely.

  • Monty

  • Juancho 
Because mexican names on a dog sounds cute