Saturday, December 8, 2012

How University Life Changed Me: Style

With just 3 more final exams left on my last academic term, I can't help but reminisce on how fast my university life flew by. A lot has changed with me, first is the obvious physical transformation. Just recalling my drab outfits which I used to wear back when I was a freshman, still gives me shivers. Ughk.

My freshman regular day outfit consisted of leggings, an oversized shirt and Keds. I only owned around 3 pairs of jeans, none were pretty. I remember one was bell-bottomed, faded a bit, an overall not flattering.

I also committed so many fashion faux pas. I used to (not often, but I did) buy unflattering clothes, smaller than my size because I was very insecure with my body and felt that buying smaller sizes would motivate me to lose the weight. It didn't. And it left me with a bunch of unused S/XS clothes that are now comfortably placed up at our attic. I feel bad that I wasted money, if only I had used it to buy clothes that looked good on me then maybe I could've gotten a college boyfriend.

I couldn't remember what I wore on my second and third year in university. I think I was still into the big shirt thing. But things got better since I lost some weight and my clothes started to fit me well and with so much fashion inspiration around me in school, I was encouraged so dress up more.

It was only during my 4th year that I became much more conscious with how I look. I started buying makeup, went on to buy flattering clothes and such. At one point I was into cutting up my old shirts. It looked cool to me for a while but then I kind of got embarrassed since almost everyday I wore cut up shirts and I felt that maybe people might think I don't own any proper clothes. I stopped doing that.

Now I think I'm much more confident since I wear better clothes. I'm no fashionista, of course. But I look pretty decent already. Too bad I'm in my last academic term. So much for that college boyfriend dream! Lol.

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