Friday, February 28, 2014

Tiny update from my world 2/28/14

Agh! It's crazy how much has changed since my last post here. 2013 has been a year full of accomplishments, for me. I graduated, I got a job, I ended a toxic relationship, started a new relationship which is far better than the last one, went on a trip to Japan, went on a trip with my friends... there has just been so much good things that happened!!

Also, it's crazy how long it took me to post here again. Honestly, the main reason for the slack was because I've forgotten about this blog. Hehe. Not really promising that I'd post more often now that I've remembered this but hey noone knows!

2014 has been very stressful so far. So many deadlines and paperwork, mainly work stuff is what keeps me busy lately. On weekends I go see the boyfriend, relax and just recharge my system for the stress coming my way the following week. I'm not complaining about the workload because 1. I get paid, 2. I don't really have that much expenses since I'm still living with my parents and they cover almost everything for me except my date expenditures, 3. I work for my parents so I'm not really on any strict schedule. I wake up, go to the office anytime between 8-9am. I don't worry about being late and other stuff that comes with working on a different (stricter) company. Also, I work alone IN the office. Emphasis on IN since other people are working outside mainly technical and mechanical stuff, the more legitimate "labor". That works well with me because I don't really like anyone near me. That sounds so rude but it's true. I work better when I'm in my own environment and I'm free to slack off a bit then go do full on hard work.

It's pretty cool being employed. I learn new things everyday, things that wasn't taught to me at school. It sounds so cliche but it's true. The things that really matter most in life, you learn from experience and not from books.

Anyway, I've got to awkwardly and abruptly end this blog since I have to fetch my brother in a few minutes. Well, I'm supposed to be on the road now but I haven't even fixed my stuff. So yes. Uh.. Bye!

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